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In honor of skin cancer awareness month, we will be posting blogs throughout the month of May to help spread awareness of the importance of sun protection and how you can live a sun safe life! 

Protecting yourself from the sun’s rays is the most important measure you can take to help prevent the risk of skin cancer and skin damage.  Approximately 9,500 people are diagnosed with skin cancer every day in the U.S. That’s well over 3 million diagnoses every year. Fortunately, skin cancer is also the most preventable! 

To lower your risk of skin cancer, it’s important to wear sunscreen daily. 

6 Reasons Why You Need To Wear Sunscreen Everyday

  1. To Protect Against UVA Rays that Cause Premature Aging. There are two kinds of ultraviolet rays emitted from the sun. UVA and UVB. UVA rays cause skin damage that lead to loss of collagen and elastin in the skin, aka premature aging, sagging skin, and wrinkles. 

  2. To Protect Against UVB and Prevent Skin Cancer. UVB rays cause sunburn and play a key role in developing skin cancer. Melanoma is one of the most common cancers and the deadliest kind of skin cancer. By applying sunscreen each day, you cut your risk of contracting skin cancers in half.

  3. To Prevent Brown Spots and Skin Discoloration. The three types of dark spots formed on your skin — ephelides, lentigines and melasma are all caused by the sun. By wearing sunscreen you can also prevent post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (acne scars) from forming and getting darker. The skin can develop hyperpigmentation after as little as 5-10 minutes in the sun and can take 10 times longer to improve. 

  4. You Are Still at Risk for Sun Damage on Cloudy Days. It’s cold and cloudy out, so I don’t need protection right? Wrong! According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, up to 80 percent of the sun’s UV rays can pass through clouds. It’s important to put on SPF every day before stepping outside or by sitting near windows. 

  5. To Protect Delicate Skin if You Are Using Any Chemical Exfoliants like Retinol (Vitamin A), Alpha Hydroxy Acids, or Vitamin C Products. This is because these products are designed to exfoliate the skin and gently lift away dead skin cells, which in return will cause skin to be more susceptible to sun damage.

  6. It’s a Great Habit to Have to Pass on to Your Children, Friends and Family! By being a good role model to your children and showing others the value of protecting their skin, together we can reduce the number of skin cancer cases each year. 

Always remember to put sunscreen on everyday regardless of you working indoors or outdoors. As Dr. Desai says “If you can see without turning a light switch on, you are still getting the sun’s rays!” Please contact us at 832-649-7266 or if you have any further questions or would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Desai.