5 Tips On How To Cope With Stress From The COVID-19 Pandemic


We see so many guidelines and regulations right now regarding the coronavirus that we start to neglect our own spiritual well being. Mental health and self care is so important during this time of mass self isolation. It can be easy for people to get depressive symptoms or anxiety from constantly hearing about all the Coronavirus deaths and related scares in the US while being socially isolated.

Here are five ways to help cope:

1. Meditate. Spend 5-15 minutes a day to reflect on your thoughts and meditate. Meditation quietens the mind and helps you process information better. If you are a beginner, a good app I like is "Headspace." 

2. Express gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal that you spend no more than 5 minutes on to write 3 things that you are grateful for. This helps stimulate positivity into your day and life.

3. Exercise. This is one of the best ways to de-stress, get away from constantly being in front of screens all day whether it's TV, computer, or phone screens or even just the kids! If you don't have room to exercise at home or equipment, go outside for a walk- at least 30 minutes a day. Your body and mind will love you for it!

4. Spring Cleaning! De-clutter your home or work space and this will help to de-clutter your mind and reduce any unnecessary stress on yourself.

5. Stay in touch with nature. Spend some time with nature. Go out to your backyard or around your neighborhood for a walk, turn your phone off for a while, take some deep breaths and just enjoy the sounds of nature around you. So much of this is taken for granted and it is important to disconnect from the world for a little while and stay grounded.